Nationwide Services

Our goal is to make you look good!

Electro Painting & Refurbishing, INC. - Logo

We make the things you see every day,
                             worth seeing
every day.

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Nationwide Services

Our goal is to make you look good!

Electro Painting & Refurbishing, INC. - Logo

We make the things you see every day,
                             worth seeing
every day.

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Electrostatic Paint Recycling

High-Quality Services | Over 20 Years of Experience | Free Quotes

High-Quality Services

Over 20 Years of Experience

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We recycle all of our solvents.

Committed to Sustainability

Electro Painting & Refurbishing, Inc offers many environmentally friendly products and services. Since the company's inception in 1999, EPR has helped keep over 100,000 semi-trailers of office furniture from being landfilled. We achieved this by refurbishing used furniture for new and used national office furniture dealers. Many other industries have received benefits from the services and materials EPR provides.

Our Coatings

Several of the two-component paints used by EPR have solvents made from vegetable oil, nearly all of the paints are low VOC, and all coatings meet all state and federal government requirements. Any unused paint is left to finish curing or dried out completely. Once fully cured and all solvents are released, the product is entirely inert and non-hazardous for landfill disposal.

Superior Equipment for Electrostatic Painting

EPR uses Ransburg #2 spray equipment for most applications and paints, which applies over 95 percent of the coating onto the painted item. Other manufacturers have electrostatic equipment that is only 50–70 percent transfer efficient.

Using additional equipment would mean more paint is needed to paint the same thing, and 30–50 percent of the coating is overspray fog. For example, EPR only requires about 16 oz of paint to change the color of the entire exterior and drawer edges of a five-drawer lateral file or a standard elevator door and frame.

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